Saturday, January 28, 2012

My Connections to Play

Playing in Sand
 My fondest memories of childhood are visits to the ocean, playing in the 

sand and searching for seashells. My daughter loves playing in sand, and 

we love to search for "buried treasure." There is something magical about 

digging in sand and searching for magical seashells and buried treasure.
Riding my bike was a form of relaxation but also a way in which I started learning independence.
 Playing in the park is the universal memory that I share with my children. There is something so amazing about being a child and playing in the park, my favorite times is watching my children run around the park in excitement, it never gets old and they always have the best time!

 Children need the freedom and time to play. Play is not a luxury. Play is a necessity.
~Kay Redfield Jamison 

It is in playing, and only in playing, that the individual child or adult is able to be creative and to use the whole personality, and it is only in being creative that the individual discovers the self.” ~ D.W. Winnicott (British pediatrician)


  1. Shira,
    It is a blessing that you were able to travel as a child and you can now share that with your daughter. I see many students that have yet to travel outside of our city. I too traveled to the beach as a child, I enjoyed sitting and waiting for a wave to wash on me. I also enjoyed riding bikes and going to the park, although I didn’t go to the park to play. I use to go to the park once a week to feed the ducks and catfish, to me that was the best trip of all.

  2. Shira,
    Going to the beach is another thing that me and my son love to do. It is a form of relaxation for me and he loves to watch the waves. It must have been amazing as a child to explore new things at the beach. This is also great that you are know doing the same thing with you child. This is a great cycle of explortation!

  3. Shira,
    I loved your reference to the beach. As a child, I had a huge infatuation with the ocean. I never lived close to the beach but I'm sure I would have loved going there as a child. As an adult, I still love the ocean and the beach and always look forward to vacationing next to one.

  4. Shira,
    It's really cool that you and your daughter can enjoy doing something together that you did when you was a child. My oldest sons act so out of it when I try to get them to play some of the games we played going up. Sometimes I can get my baby boy to go outside and play some of the games, but then he's still the baby and he loves his mother. I use to enjoy riding my bike as well.
