Thursday, November 10, 2011

Pox Parties and Paranoia

I strongly believe in immunizations and I disagree with those who believe it is wrong or dangerous to give their children vaccines, if anything, leaving them unvaccinated seems to be a greater risk. However, for the sake of this article I decided to research the arguments used by those who are anti-vaccines. The first argument they use is that "germ theory is flawed and germs don't make us sick." OK...on to number two, "Immunizations do not guarantee immunity" (and giving your child no vaccine really guarantees no immunity) and drug companies just push vaccines to make money. Next argument, nobody has the right to tell you what to do with your child, you have constitutional rights to refuse medical treatment. (This reminds me of the Christian Scientists in my city who at a football game, when the player has an accident on the field, rather than call an ambulance, the entire team stands in a circle to pray for him.) Another argument, which is quite common is the fear that the MMR vaccine may be linked to causing autism, which has since been disproved. And the last argument, which I find most ridiculous, she states, "Most of these diseases, if contracted today, rarely if ever cause death and are easily dealt with using antibiotics." Apparently getting mumps and measles is no big deal, especially for a newborn. Honestly, this article almost made me crazy! Speaking of crazy, that brings me to the next subject which has been on the evening news for the last week, POX PARTIES! A pox party or flu party is a party meant to gather otherwise healthy children with children who are infected with a childhood disease such as chicken pox, measles or flu in order to infect their child on the premise of building their immune system and avoiding vaccinations. One reason this has become so controversial is that now parents have taken to facebook to find pox parties or sell infected lollipops through the mail (usually $50 bucks a pop) in order to infect their child. Government officials warn, "These parties are not only dangerous, but they are also illegal." (1) What makes these parties most dangerous is that someone is getting an infected lollipop in the mail from a complete stranger, and according to the US attorney in Nashville, "If you think buying a lollipop contaminated with saliva from senders whose children are infected will protect your kids from chiocken pox, think again- because it probably won't. More likely, you will be exposing them to more serious infections such as hepatitis." Besides being dangerous, illegal, reckless and irresponsible, these pox parties place pregnant postal workers at risk of contracting illness from the dangerous contagians being sent through US Mail. Clearly, the situation in spiraling out of control, something needs to be done to educate the public about the dangers of not vaccinating children. Otherwise, besides massive outbreaks, I believe that these pox parties may only be the tip of the iceberg.


  1. I wrote the example of whooping cough in my entry. It is coming back because parents refuse to vaccine their children.

    While we are trying to help others, we are not helping ourselves. For example the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation’s goal is to improve public health in Africa. Since 1980 vaccines have cut polio by 99%, diphtheria and measles by 93%, and measles by 85%. (The economist, 2011). Huge efforts are made to reduce the spread of diseases in underdeveloped countries, and yet in our country we are trying to infect our children by having pox-parties. Yes, it our right to have options and the freedom to decide what is best for our children. I feel however we are taking a huge step backwards. This is dangerous and our society will pay for it.


  2. Shira,
    I too, am pro vaccines. I want our family to be vaccinated for our own safety and also others for the herd mentality. We even all get yearly flu shots. I take a lot of grief at work about this, since none of the other teachers in our classroom agree with vaccines for the flu, etc.

  3. Shira,

    I am always deeply disturbed when I read about parents who are unwilling to vaccinate their children for "whatever reason." I just don't and cannot understand it!! I can empathize in the sense that I know that I get a little wary each time Baron gets a vaccine, but I know that it is for his own good. I know that right before he got his MMR vaccine, I did some research, and talked to the pediatrician (several) just so that I could understand and become more aware of the vaccine and its potential effects. Like any parent, we just want the best for our child, but it is scary when I would hear and read mixed things about critical issues like vaccines. Reading your post reminded me of the couple from Oregon who refused to take their infant to the hospital (even though the day old infant was extremely sick and required medical attention) because they thought that praying was the answer. Unfortunately, this poor infant died, and now the parents are going to jail for manslaughter. This is sick. I know that everyone has a different belief, and I know that I need to respect it, but it is very difficult when children suffer as a result!
    I just hope that we can all become more educated and more aware about these matters, and hopefully through extensive research and policies, children will be protected!
    Thank you for your post!!!

  4. I am not disgusted by parents that would purposely expose their child to disease or illnesses. Do they not understand that these diseases have killed or left many children disabled in the past and this is the reason that vaccinations were developed to stop the tragedies. My children have received all of their vaccinations that have been recommended by the pediatrician. Even my son who was hospitalized for pneumococcal just months before the vaccination was approved. He received the vaccination when he was healthy enough to give him the extra protection since we knew he was susceptible to the infection. I just wish their was a better understanding of the risk these parents are taking with their children's lives.
