Friday, September 16, 2011

Favorite Quote on Children

"Our greatest natural resource is the minds of our children." -Walt Disney


  1. What a meaningful quote Shira and so very true! Isn't exciting we are allowed to participate in shaping those minds? Walt Disney certainly said it right!

  2. Shira, I would like to comment on your baby picture. It is adorable by the way. I was wondering why you were holding your breath. Do you remember at the time? Some children like to strike a pose when they know they are getting their picture taken.
    Ms. Jay

  3. I love the quote as well. Our children's minds are the greatest. I feel that people are really beginning to realize this quote is true. I am thankful for the "no child left behind" law. What is your favorite book about. The cover is very inviting.

  4. Thank you guys for all those nice comments! Ms.Jay, I actually don't remember taking that picture, but I noticed that babies like to blow bubbles, so maybe I was doing that! Crystal, I'm glad you like the cover. Actually my father wrote that book, he has written many books, including 13 for children. This book is very special to me, it is about how small acts of kindness and love actually repair the world.
